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José J. V. & Saletan E. J. Classical Dynamics [djvu]

Goldstein H., Classical Mechanics [pdf] (castellano)

Fetter A. L. & Walecka J. D. Theoretical Mechanics of Particles and Continua [pdf]

Wiggins S., Introduction to Applied Nonlinear Dynamical Systems [pdf]

Gutzwiller M. C., Chaos in Classical and Quantum Mechanics [djvu]

Greiner W., Classical Mechanics: Point Particles & Relativity [djvu]

Greiner W., Classical Mechanics: Systems of Particles & Hamiltonian Dynamics [djvu]

Abraham R. & Marsden J. E., Foundations of Mechanics [djvu]

Arnold V. I., Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics [pdf]

Whittaker E. T., A Treatise on the Analytical Dynamics of Particles and Rigid Bodies [djvu]

Sussman G. J. & Wisdom J., Structure and Interpretation of Classical Mechanics [pdf]

Pars L. A., A Treatise on Analytical Dynamics

Sommerfeld A., Lectures on Theoretical Physics: Mechanics [djvu]

Corben H. C. & Stehle P., Classical Mechanics

Synge J. L. & Griffith B. A., Principles of Mechanics [djvu]

Hestenes D., New Foundations for Classical Mechanics [djvu]

Hand L. N. & Finch J. D., Analytical Mechanics [pdf]

Kibble F. H., Classical Mechanics [pdf]

Taylor J. R., Classical Mechanics

Marion J. B. & Thornton S. T., Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems [djvu]

Newton I., Principia [djvu]

Lanczos C., The Variational Principles of Mechanics [djvu]

Birkhoff G. D., Dynamical Systems [pdf]

Thirring W., Classical Dynamical Systems [djvu]

Arnold, Kozlov & Neishtadt, Mathematical Aspects of Classical and Celestial Mechanics [pdf]

Binney J. & Tremaine S., Galactic Dynamics [djvu] errata

Leimkuhler B. & Reich S., Simulating Hamiltonian Dynamics [pdf]

Cvitanovic P., et al. Chaos: Classical and Quantum [pdf]

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Dirac P. A. M., Lectures on Quantum Mechanics [djvu]

Bunge M., Foundations of Physics [djvu]

Gelfand I. M. & Fomin S. V., Calculus of Variations [pdf]

Rund H., The Hamilton-Jacobi Theory in the Calculus of Variations [djvu]

Courant R. & Hilbert D., Mathematical Methods of Physics Vol. 2 (Cap. 1 & 2) [djvu]

Born M. & Wolf E., Calculus of Variations [djvu] (en Principles of Optics)

Spivak M., Calculus on Manifolds [djvu]