Shape version 5.1 installer packages


Before installing Shape please read the release notes.

To install Shape version 5.1 download the installer package suitable for your operating system. There are packages for Windows, Linux and MacOSX. Make sure to download the appropriate version for 32 or 64 bit operating systems. After downloading, Linux packages have to be uncompressed and made executable. Then run the package, which will guide you through the simple installation process. Please also download the Iras.jar and Shape_it.jar files and replace the ones present in the installation directory. If you have problems with the installation process or when using Shape, please contact us. This will help us to improve Shape for you and other users.

The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that manages how Shape is run on a particular system, does not automatically allow Shape to use the full RAM of your computer. See the note below on how to adjust the RAM that is available to Shape.


5.1 release date: March 30, 2016

System requirements:

Installers (version March 30, 2016):

Data tables:

Important note:
Some internet browsers might automatically remove the .zip extension from the downloaded table file. In order to correctly extract the files and directory structure, make sure the file has this extension, if not, then please add the extension, .

Important installation note for MacOSX users:

  • Remove all files from /Library/Java/Extensions/
  • Install the latest Java JDK from (currently JDK 11.0.1)
  • Make sure in the folder /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines only one version of the JDK is in place, as files should be installed to /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines. Check current installation with "java --version" at the command prompt of Terminal
  • Install Shape with MacOs installer (which should install into /Applications/ by default, can be changed during installation with Wizard)
  • Unpack (get from https:// into (replace any duplicate jar files) into the folder "/Library/Java/Extensions". (Make an "Extensions" folder if one does not yet exist.)
  • Remove from the folder "/Library/Java/Extensions" that two files "Iras.jar" and "Shape_it.jar"
  • Start Shape

    How to adjust the RAM available to Shape :

    The default RAM available to a Java application is determined by the Java Virtual Machine and may be very small compared to the memory that is actually installed on your system. The amount available to Shape can not be adjusted from within Shape. There are several ways to do that, which depend on the system. In Shape the maximum available memory is shown at the bottom of the User Interface.

    Windows and Linux:
    The installer places an ascii file named Shape_v5.0.vmoptions in the installation directory. Open this file with an editor, e.g. Notepad. Uncomment the line containing the parameter string "-Xmx" by deleting the # sign. Then change the number behind -Xmx to the desired amount in MegaBytes (typically 10 percent lower than the installed RAM). Make sure you keep the unit "m" for MegaByte after the number without spaces. For a 10 GB RAM made available the final result should look like

    Place the line
    in an ascii file called "vmoptions.txt" and place it into the directory where the Shape executable has been installed by the installer package. This should be in a subdirectory of the /Applications directory. Here 4000 should be changed to whatever is about 10 percent smaller than your RAM in MegaBytes or whatever you would like Shape to access. Make sure to include the "m" at the end.





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