PhD (Astrophysics) University of Bonn & Max-Planck-Institute for Radioastronomy, Germany, 1994
MS (Physics) University of Bonn & Max-Planck-Institute for Radioastronomy, Germany, 1992
Academic Experience
Full Professor, Institute for Astronomy, Auton. National University of Mexico, UNAM, (2002-present)
Head of Astrophysical Computing, Institute for Astronomy, UNAM, (2004-2008)
Full Professor, Dept. of Astronomy & Meteorology, Univ. of Guadalajara, Mexico (1998-2002)
Research Fellow, University of Manchester, UK, (1994-1998)
Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel research award, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany, 2011
Research Experience
Principal Investigator and Developer of the interactive astrophysical modeling code SHAPE
Application of numerical hydrodynamic modeling codes Yguazu and Coral to active galaxies and planetary nebulae
Five most representative publications in recent five years
García-Díaz, M.T., López, J.A., Steffen, W., Richer, M.G., 2012, "A detailed morpho-kinematic model of the Eskimo, NGC 2392: A unifying view with the Cat´s Eye and Saturn planetary nebulae", submitted
Steffen, W., 2011, (invited review), Dynamical Modeling and the Interactions with the ISM, IAU Symp. 283, “Planetary Nebulae: An Eye on the Future”, eds., Manchado, Stanghellini, Schönberner
Steffen, W., Koning, N., 2010, Criss-cross mapping BD+30 3639: a new kinematic analysis technique, The Astronomical Journal, 141, 76
Steffen, W., Koning, N., Wenger, S., Magnor, M., 2011, Shape: A 3D Modeling Tool for Astrophysics, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 17, No. 4, 454
Steffen, W., García–Segura, G., 2009, Hydrodynamical velocity fields in planetary nebulae, ApJ, 691, 696-704
Five most representative publications beyond the recent five years
Steffen, W., López, J.A., 2004, On the velocity structure in planetary nebulae, ApJ, 612, 319-331
Steffen W., López J.A, Lim A., 2001, FLIERs as stagnation knots from post-AGB winds with polar momentum deficiency, ApJ, 556, 823
Steffen W., López A., 1998, Jets and the giant envelope around the planetary nebula KjPN8, ApJ, 508, 696
Steffen W., Gómez J.L., Raga A.C., R.J.R. Williams, 1997, Jet-cloud interations and the brightening of the narrow line region in Seyfert galaxies. . ApJ Letters, 491, L73
Steffen W., Zensus J.A., Krichbaum T.P., Witzel A., Qian S.J., 1995, A helical model for the compact jet in 3C345, A&A, 302, 335.