Astronomy software servers

ASDS, Astronomical Software & Documentation Service

ASCL, Astrophysics Source Code Library

(free, on-line library housing source codes of all sizes that are of interest to astrophysicists)

IRAF (Image Reduction and Analysis Facility) home page
UK Mirror of IRAF -- ESO Mirror of IRAF
STSDAS Space Telescope Science Data Analysis System
ST-ECF (Space Telescope European Coordinating Facility) IRAF Package
IRAF Programs (Eran Ofek)

ESO-MIDAS (Munich Image Data Analysis System) Home Page
ESO-MIDAS Documentation

FIGARO (Anglo-Australian Observatory data reduction system)
FIGARO Starlink help browser


GIPSY (Groningen Image Processing SYstem)

The Linux for Astronomy CDROM project
Astronomical Software on Linux
Linux Astronomy HOWTO

Scisof An Astronomical Software Collection (ESO, ST-ECF) 

FITS Flexible Image Transport System (at NRAO)
FITS Support Office Home Page (at NASA)
FTOOLS (A general package of software to manipulate FITS files)
FITSIO (subroutine interface for reading and writing data files in FITS data format)
Science Archive Stand-alone FITS Tools in ANSI C (ESO)
FITSview viewers for astronomical images in FITS format
fv Interactive FITS File Editor
Avis (MSB, Astroart) FITS viewer for Windows 95, 98 and NT.
FitsX FITS image processing software (COAA)

SAOtng SAOimage: The Next Generation
DS9 SAO: Astronomical Data Visualization Application (next version of SAOtng)

SkyCat visualization of images and access to catalogs and archive data for astronomy (ESO)

GAIA, Graphical Astronomy and Image Analysis Support Page (Starlink)

GetImage - Software for Accessing the Digitized Sky Survey (DSS)

SAO Telescope Data Center, software

SExtractor (Source-Extractor) (builds a catalogue of objects from an astronomical image)

Time Synchronization Software Network Time Protocol (NTP)

XEphem An Interactive Ephemeris for X Windows/Motif
KStars Desktop Planetarium for Linux/KDE2 

TheSky Astronomy Software (SB, Software Bisque)
Deepsky 2000 home page (Steven S. Tuma)
Guide (Project Pluto)
MegaStar Sky Atlas for Windows
WinStars a complete planetarium (freeware) 

Astroart 2.0 CCD image processing
PRISM image processing/analysis, sky mapping, telescope and CCD camera control
MIRA (Axion Research)
IRIS image processing of astronomical images, (Christian Buil)
LAIA, Laboratorio de Análisis de Imágenes Astronómicas Grupo de Estudios Astronómicos (GEA)
AstroMB: Computer Aided Astronomy manage of astronomical images and catalogs.
SumaFits color (J.M. Esteve Puntí)
CADET para calibrar y deconvolucionar imágenes astronómicas en formato FITS y BMP (Oscar Contreras)
Quantum Image (QI)

AVE, Análisis de Variabilidad Estelar Grupo de Estudios Astronómicos (GEA)
Tools for Variable Stars (programs for the study of the fundamental parameters of the variables stars), Karl Dubost
EzPhot CCD Photometry Software (Jerry Gunn)
MuniPack programs for stellar photometry on a PC
Nightfall (Eclipsing Binary Star Program)
Velocity (orbital solution, of spectroscopic binary stars)

Visual Spec (software designed for amateurs to process spectral images)

AstroStack image enhancement software
RegiStax software for alignment, stacking and processing of image sequences
AVI2BMP AVI videos to BMP images
Webcam Software - Windows
AstroSnap adquisición de imágenes con webcam
K3 CCD Tools capturing and processing astronomy pictures
VideoMach a powerful audio/video builder and converter
AstroVideo COAA
PanaVue Image Assembler Image Stitching Software

Moon Calculator (Monzur Ahmed)
LunarPhase (Gary Nugent)

Coleccion de programas de astronomia para Windows 95 Victor Manchado Morales (ULPGC)
Utilidades para Astronomía y Óptica astronómica DOS y Windows 32 bits, ATM
Astronomical programs Software MS-DOS (Simtel)
Colección de enlaces a todo tipo de software astronómico Grupo de Estudios Astronómicos (GEA)
Software procesamiento de imagenes
CCD Software

NEMO - A Stellar Dynamics Toolbox
Starlab: A Software Environment for Collisional Stellar Dynamics

JSI provider of software dedicated to the tracking and analysis of earth orbiting objects

Astronomy Software Freeware, Shareware and Public Domain 

Astronomy - Free Software

Dan's Astronomy Software (Free software from Dan Bruton, Jupiter, Saturn, and eclipsing binary star programs)

Binary Maker light curve synthesis program


CVC's Astronomy Freeware and Software (Bill Drennon) The technical computing portal for all your scientific and engineering needs

MATLAB integrated technical computing environment

IDL, Interactive Data Language

Cloudy (Fortran code designed to fully simulate conditions within nebulae)
CLOUDY 90: Numerical Simulation of Plasmas and Their Spectra (Ferland et al. 1998, PASP 110, 761)

CCP7 software library, The Analysis of Astronomical Spectra

AstroMD, A multi-dimensional data analysis tool for astrophysical simulations (CINECA, OACT) 

XGobi, a system for multivariate data visualization 

NOVAS, Naval Observatory Vector Astrometry Subroutines (George H. Kaplan) 

Celestial and Orbital Mechanics Web Site 

PGPLOT Graphics Subroutine Library
pgperl use of PGPLOT from Perl
WIP. A Simple to Use, Interactive Graphics Software Package

SM, Super-MONGO interactive plotting programme

Xmgr ACE/gr, 2D plotting tool for X Window System
Grace WYSIWYG 2D plotting tool for the X Window System and M*tif

Numerical Recipes Home Page

Help for Fortran and Fortran90 Programming
Summary of Fortran 77 statements
Fortran 90 Tutorial
Using and Porting GNU Fortran

C++ language 

The Ada in Astrophysics Scientific computing with Ada, object-oriented and parallel 

The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd

StatCodes (On-line statistical software for astronomy and related fields) (PSU)
SCCA, Statistical Consulting Center for Astronomy (PSU)
Astrostatistics (LEVEL5, A Knowledgebase for Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology)

Calculations & Tools

UNIX help for users (html)
EMACS Manual (html)
The "vi" editor
VIM (Vi IMproved)

Pine User's Guide

Linux Online!
Linux Documentation Project (LDP)
Red Hat Linux Software
RPM find
USB support under Linux
El Rincón de Linux
SAINT, Security Administrator's Integrated Network Tool
GNOME GNU Network Object Model Environment

GNU (Gnu's Not Unix)
FSF, Free Software Foundation

GNU a2ps Any to PostScript filter
epsmerge merging EPS (Encapsulated Postscript) files
Ghostscript, Ghostview and GSview
Adobe® Acrobat® Reader software for viewing and printing Portable Document Format (PDF) files

Xpdf viewer for Portable Document Format (PDF) files (GNU)
PDFtoHTML A PDF to HTML converter

XV image manipulation program for the X Window System (John Bradley)

ImageMagick tools and libraries to read, write, and manipulate an image in many image formats

Servidor SunSITE Español (software de libre distribución)
StarOffice SUN StarDivision

Java-Linux Blackdown

OpenSSH SSH1 and SSH2 protocols
SSH for Windows

IDE CD-Writer to a Linux/Redhat PC
CDR Toaster

TeX & LaTeX

LaTeX WWW home page
CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network
Manual de LaTeX en hipertexto
Manual de LaTeX
LaTeXe help 1.4
TeX Resources on the Web
TeX Frequently Asked Questions
TUG, TeX Users Group
CervanTeX Grupo de Usuarios de TeX Hispanohablantes
COES: Herramientas para Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural en Español
Ispell interactive spell-checking program for Unix
FAQ's sobre el uso de TeX y LaTeX en castellano
A (La)TeX encyclopaedia (La)TeX Navigator
Graphics and Colour with LaTeX (Patrick W. Daly)
Dvipdfm a DVI to PDF translator
LATEX maths and graphics

The LaTeX2HTML Translator
All About LaTeX2HTML
html2latex Convert HTML to LaTeX
rtf2latex2e Convert Rich Text Format (RTF) files to LaTeX2e.
latex2rtf Convert LaTeX into Rich Text Format (RTF).
Tools in Latex, HTML, PDF
Producing HTML and PDF files with LaTeX
The Hyperlatex package
HyperTeX FAQ

Astronomy Journal Styles Preparation of Papers with TeX or LaTeX
TeX and LaTeX Macros for astronomers from STScI
The AASTeX Author Package (AAS journals) -- AASTeX Author Guide
Effective Scientific Electronic Publishing

MiKTEX TeX and LaTeX compiler for Windows
WinEdt TeX and LaTeX editor for Windows


HTML en espaniol
WMaestro manual para crear paginas web
Tejedores Del Web
Manual de HTML
Manual de JavaScript
Yahoo's HTML

List of Guides to Writing HTML Documents
A Beginner's Guide to HTML
HTML Quick Reference
Style Guide for Online Hypertext
HyperText Markup Language (HTML)
HTML, the complete guide
NCSA httpd Overview
CERN HTTP server
HyperNews page on HTML
Yahoo's HTML resources
HTML Style Guides
HTML Resources (The HTML Writers Guild)

NetSMART's Image Library
Imágenes para la construcción de páginas WWW
Anthony's Icon Library

Greek Letters and Math Symbols (Karen M. Strom)
Links to Use To Colorize Your Web Page (Technology Tools)
HTML ASCII Codes & HTML Colors
Codes of colors in HTML
140 colors acceptable to HTML web browsers
4096 colors, identified by number

GIFmerge Merge GIFs to a GIF animation
Gifsicle creating, editing, and getting information about GIF images and animations
Whirlgif produces a single (animated) GIF file composed of a series of GIF images
GIF Construction Set (for Windows)

GLU : Uniform Link Generator (CDS)
Astronomical Server URL

Servicio de Contadores servicont
Nedstat contadores, estadísticas de páginas web

Wget (retrieve files from the World Wide Web using HTTP and FTP)

Window Managers for The X Window System (by Matt Chapman)

GetRight (download utilities and services to allow users to easily download files and recover (resume downloading) if errors occur)

File and URL Conversion (Tom Conversion Server)
"The Converter's Paradise" T.C.P