The efficiency, stability, and lamp identifications for the MES-SPM spectrometer


16 de Agosto 2003
Michael Richer



During the past year and a half, observations were obtained in order to measure the efficiency of the MES-SPM spectrometer, identify the lines of its Th-Ar lamp, and characterize its spectral stability.  The efficiency measured for extended sources is high, up to 11% for the  H alpha and [S II] lines.  For point sources, the efficiencies are a factor of 1.6-2.6 lower.  These efficiencies account for the effects of the telescope optics, the spectrometer's interference filter that isolates the desired order, the CCD's quantum efficiency, and the light loss at the slit for point sources.  Therefore, these efficiencies represent much more than the efficiency of the spectrometer itself.  I present identifications of the arc lines of the Th-Ar lamp in (parts of) seven spectral orders.  I also present the results of a study that should be indicative of the high spectral stability of the spectrometer, the absolute precision being ±0.03Å or ±1.5 km/s with the 150 micron slit. 


For the uninitiated, the MES-SPM is a long-slit echelle spectrometer optimized for observing faint, extended sources (Meaburn et al. 1984, MNRAS, 210, 463; Meaburn et al. 2003, RMxAA, in press).  Instead of a cross-disperser, an interference filter is used to isolate the spectral order of interest.  The spectral resolution depends upon the slit width, and a variety of slits of different widths are available.

The observations upon which this report is based were obtained on the nights of 6 January 2002, 14 May 2002, 18 January 2003, and 30 April 2003.  On the last occasion, slitless observations were obtained to measure the spectrometer's efficiency for diffuse sources.  On all other occasions, the observations were made through a 150 micron slit (1.9 arcseconds on the sky).  All of the observations were obtained with the SITe3 CCD.  The exposure times varied from 30 seconds to 30 minutes depending upon the standard star involved (either HD93521 or BD+33d2642). 

The efficiency of the MES-SPM spectrometer

The following table lists the efficiencies measured for both resolved and point sources.  The definition of efficiency that is adopted is the fraction of photons incident upon the primary mirror that are subsequently detected by the CCD.  To calculate the efficiency of the spectrometer, the standard star spectra were extracted to one-dimensional spectra and calibrated in wavelength using identical extractions of spectra of the Th-Ar arc lamp.  I correct the measured flux per pixel for atmospheric extinction and compare the result with the expected flux for the standard, based upon the tabulated AB magnitude (from Jeremy Walsh's compilation at ESO in this case).  The atmospheric extinction correction is based upon the San Pedro Mártir extinction curve published by Schuster & Parrao (2001, RMxAA, 37, 187).

To make use of these efficiencies, one computes the expected photon flux incident upon the primary mirror and multiplies by the efficiency to obtain the photon flux that should be detected by the CCD. 



efficiency: resolved sources

efficiency: point sources














The efficiency at H alpha should be about 75% of that found at 6550Å (Meaburn et al. 1984).

The efficiencies for resolved sources are based upon the slitless observations obtained on 30 April 2003.  This is the efficiency that should be achieved for resolved sources, such as nebulae. 

The efficiencies for point sources are derived from the other observations that were made through a 150 micron slit.  Compared to the efficiency for slitless observations, the efficiency for point sources is a factor of 1.6-2.6 lower when the 150 micron slit is used.  Obviously, an even larger reduction would be found for narrower slits.  The image quality, object centering, and telescope guiding can all modify the efficiency for point sources substantially, and it would not be unusual to find efficiencies differing from those quoted by 50%, depending upon the observing conditions.  For this reason, the efficiencies for point sources are only indicative.  Nonetheless, I have verified that these efficiencies predict the actual performance of the MES-SPM reasonably well for spectroscopic observations of extragalactic planetary nebulae that were obtained with the [O III]5007 filter and the 150 micron slit during an observing run in September 2001.

Finally, please note that these efficiencies are very different from those of the spectrometer itself (Meaburn et al. 1984, Meaburn et al. 2003), since they involve many components besides the spectrometer.  Indeed, these efficiencies are dominated by other factors than the spectrometer: the reflectivity of the telescope optics, the optical quality of the order-selecting filter, the CCD quantum efficiency, and, for observations of point sources, the image quality, telescope focus, object centering, and the light losses at the slit.  For example, the drop in efficiency observed for [O III]5007 and He II 4686 is principally due to the response of the SITe3 CCD. 

Identifications of the lines of the Th-Ar lamp

The following table presents line identifications for the Th-Ar lamp in two ways.  First, there are plots of the lamp for the MES-SPM alone.  Second, there are plots comparing the Th-Ar lamps in the MES-SPM and that of the coudé spectrograph at the 2.2m telescope in Kitt Peak where weaker lines are identified that might be useful at higher signal-to-noise (and higher spectral resolution).  Note that, with respect to the Kitt Peak Th-Ar lamp, that for the MES-SPM has stronger argon lines with respect to those of thorium, which is particularly noticeable in the He I 5876 filter.  The line identifications are based upon the Kitt Peak Th-Ar atlas (spectrum in FITS format, line list). 


line of interest

identification of the Th-Ar lamp

comparison of MES-SPM and Kitt Peak

He II 4686

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[O III]5007

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He I 5876

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[O I]6300

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H I 6563

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[S II]6716,6731

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These line identifications cover only approximately half of a spectral order, since the CCD intercepts only this fraction of an order.

The He II 4686, He I 5876, and [O I]6300 filters are from the galactic nebular I filter set and are not normally installed in the spectrometer.  The 5200A filter is from the extragalactic filter set and likewise is not normally installed in the spectrometer.  Any 50 mm round filter should fit in the spectrometer's filter holders, but the image quality will depend upon how closely the filter matches the optical thickness of the MES-SPM's filter set.  As a very general rule, the spectrometer is NOT re-focussed for different filters.  For more information, please contact José Alberto López. 

The spectral stability of the MES-SPM

The night of 17 January 2003, a test of the spectrometer's spectral stability was made.  We observed the binary system 2S0114+650 (B1 and neutron star components) through the He I 5876 filter.  In this way, we were able to measure the stellar line of He I 5876 and use the interstellar lines of Na D 5889,5895 as an absolute velocity standard.  We obtained 12 spectra of 2S0114+650 with spectra of the Th-Ar lamp interleaved, all with the 150 micron slit.  The observations were made over a 3.8 hour time span during which the hour angle varied from +1.5 hours to +5.3 hours.  The dispersion in wavelength of the Na D 5889 line was of only ±0.03Å, or a velocity dispersion of ±1.5 km/s.  This high precision was obtained despite a shift of the spectra on the detector of nearly 3 pixels.  This implies that, though the instrument suffers small flexures, the flexures between the telescope, slit, and calibration lamp are minimal.  The lesson is therefore clear: the MES-SPM spectrometer is capable of very high spectral stability if care is taken to obtain sufficient lamp spectra.  An even higher spectral stability would be expected using the 70 micron slit.  


I thank Serguei Zharikov for obtaining the slitless spectra upon which the efficiencies for resolved sources are based.  I acknowledge the help and patience of Gabriel García, José Alberto López, Gustavo Melgoza, and Salvador Monrroy during various observing runs.  I thank Leonid Georgiev for his collaboration in the spectral stability tests and Sandra Ayala for her collaboration with the line identifications for the 5200A filter.  I thank Will Henney and Teresa García for loaning me one of their [O I]6300 spectra.  I thank John Meaburn, Alan Watson, and José Alberto López for various useful and constructive discussions regarding the derivation of efficiencies that contributed to substantially improve this report.