Olga Kuhn, December 1998

1/ Turn on the guider electronics at the telescope: the "camara guiador", 
"electronica guiador" and "autoguiador" are all plugged into a single 
power strip, which is on the back of the mirror support, on the Southeast 
side (as you enter the dome from the control room and go to the right 
around the base, you should see the power strip next to a white box 
labeled "electronica guiador"). 

2/ Turn on the PC "Guiador 1.5" in the control room. 

3/ Turn on the monitor and intensifier (with gain to minimum) in the
control room.

4/ Enter the directory C:\USUARIO and type "guiador" to start up the 

   3 windows should appear: 

  "guiador 1.5m"   
  "paleta guiador" (to control the movements of the pickoff mirror and camera)
  "campo del guiador" (to show a map of Hubble GSC stars around the source) 

   open a 4th by going to "guiador 1.5m", clicking on "camera" to pull down
   the menu, and then "camera" again. This opens the "camera" window which
   controls the guider camera (exposure time, etc.) 

At the beginning of each night:

1/ center a bright star (V=4-5) in the instrument (usually the same one
used to set the hour, or to correct coordinates). 

2/ go to the "guiador 1.5" window, select "movguiador" and choose theindow, select "movguiador" and choose the option
"ceros instrumentos" from the menu. Select the appropriate instrument (e.g.
CCD2000 (cubeta)). If the instrument is not in the list, choose "centro
mecanico". This moves the guider to a predefined positon which corresponds
to the center of a given instrument or to its mechanical center, and the process
takes about 2 minutes. 

3/ put the mirror in the beam. Go to "paleta guiador" and select "fuera" (=out).
When this button reads instead "dentro" (=in) and the message box in the
window "guiador 1.5" says "espejo dentro", the mirror is blocking the optical

4/ start the guider camera: go to the "camera" window, set the integration
time to about 500 ms, and start "foco".
"foco" does a series of integrations of the exposure time set beforehand 
(NOTE it is necessary to stop "aborta" the foco series before changing
the integration time, changes made while in "foco" are not accepted.)

5/ Move the mirror and camera with "paleta guiador" (AR+, AR-, DEC+, DEC-)
to center the star in the monitor. Note that the field of view 
of the camara is small, about 30" on each side.

6/ Define this new position as the center: go back to "movguiador" in the
"guiador 1.5" window and select from the menu "comandos sistema". A new
window appears; select "redefine centros" (even though it already looks
like it has been selected ). Then
"salir" to leave this window.

   The X and Y offsets in the column, "posicion del g the column, "posicion del guiador","real", should 
   both change to 0. 
   Also, the star should leave the field - as the mirror goes out of the beam 
   ("fuera"), even though the "fuera/dentro" button in the "paleta guiador" 
   still reads "dentro". Click this button twice to bring it into agreement with 
   everything - the star should come back to the center. 

   Click 0/0 to set the "real" and "desired" offsets both to 0. 

   Finally, put the mirror out of the beam: "dentro/fuera" so it reads "fuera",
   and the message box in the "guiador 1.5" says "espejo fuera"

Finding a guide star for the source:

1/ Enter accurate coordinates and epoch in the "guiador 1.5" window.

2/ Select "catalogs", "gsc" from that same window.
   Make sure the correct (North/South) CD is in and loaded (the light has 
   stopped blinking).

3/ After it has found the field, a map of the brightest stars around the
   field on axis is displayed in the "campo del guiador".

4/ Start "foco" mode in the "camera" window - usually an integration time
of 1 second, and with the intensifier in "auto" position - (the position below,
or counter-clockwise from the minimum) is good for fin minimum) is good for finding stars.

5/ Select the guide star to which to move by clicking on the box on the 
right which contains the magnitude of the star and is color-coded to match 
the stars in the map.

6/ Move the mirror/camera by clicking "Act" in the "guiador 1.5" window.

7/ The field of view is small (~30") and many times the 
star does not come up in the monitor - it is necessary to search 
around the position. The easiest way is positioning the cursor in various
positions around the guide star you are looking for, and clicking "Act" 
to move to this new position.

8/ Once the star is found and focussed, stop "aborta" the "foco" mode. 
Click "autoguia" - this displays a box. Position the box around the star
with the arrow keys in the "camera" window (Note: you can move "lento" (slow)
or "rapido" (=fast)). Then, once centered, click "OK" in the "camera" window.

This starts the autoguiding. If it stops, hit "aborta", recheck the box
position with a "foco", "aborta" sequence and restart.

Some notes:

   Make sure the telescope is in "lentos" --- this is displayed on
   the console window. If it is in "rapido", check first to see whether
   the handpaddle in the control room is in "rapido" - if not, then check
   the handpaddle in the dome (on that one, the lento/rapido button is on 
   the back side of the handpaddle in the dome; when the handpaddle is turned
   over so the NSEW buttons are poier so the NSEW buttons are pointing away from you and the hook to hang 
   it is up, then "lento"/"rapido" corresponds to when the button is to the

    You must click on the window one time (e.g. on the title bar), just to 
    activate the window, then a second click should execute the desired